Discover the Japan Adventure – Michinoku Coastal Trail – Sanriku Trail and Train

Discover the best of Japan Adventure tour, in Michinoku coastal trail with sustainable life.

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Discover the best of Japan adventure tour with a sustainable life.

First Challenge 100 miles 8 days / 7 nights (For advanced)


First Challenge 100 miles (160 km) from Kabushima. This is a course that can be experienced in one week by those who aim to complete the 1,000-kilometer trek. Recommended as the first 100 miles.

Difficulty level

View Points

Recommended Eateries Around the Route


  • Distances listed are approximate distances within the trail course.
  • There are individual differences in walking time, so please consider the above course as a reference time only.
  • Please note that the number of trains are limited when using the Sanriku Railway.
  • If you miss the train, it is convenient to use a local taxi.
    ※For areas without taxi service, please consult the taxi company in the arrival (destination) area.
Day 1
About 5hrs
Start at Hon-Hachinohe Station. Hike up to Hashikami station.

Arrive at Mutsuminato Station (morning market/breakfast, etc.) Start after enjoying Hachinohe‘s famous morning market and local breakfast.
After breakfast, take the train to Same station. Walk to the Kabushima Shrine, which is the head of the Michinoku Coastal trail. Spend about 5 hrs walking the trail to Hashikami Station. Transfer via local train to Taneichi, where you will stay the night at the Guest House Hamanasu-tei.

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Day 2
About 8hours 30minutes
Take an early morning train from Taneichi Station to Hashikami Station.

Enjoy this day's trail route while feeling the morning sun. This will be a tough day, as you attempt the hike up Mt. Hashikamidake (height of 740m). Mt. Hashikamidake, full of natural beauty, is also a treasure house of mountain azaleas, mountain vegetables, and wild birds. On the way back, take the JR Hachinohe Line from Kadonohama Station to Taneichi Station. The inn is convenient for consecutive nights, so there is no need to pack luggage.
※For lunch, you can request a boxed lunch by consulting Hamanasu-tei.

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Day 3
About 7hours
On this day, the course changes from yesterday's mountain trail to the ocean trail.

You will walk on a path with few ups and downs while enjoying the scenery of the fishermen's town and the sea breeze. Take your time while walking along the coast at times. The day ends when you reach Rikuchu-Nakano Station on the Sanriku Railway. Take the train back to Taneichi Station where the inn is located again. Again, there is no transfer to your inn, so please rest and relax, and relieve your fatigue by eating local delicacies at the Hamanasu-tei restaurant.
※For lunch, you can request a boxed lunch by consulting Hamanasu-tei.

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Day 4
About 7hours 30minutes
After breakfast, leave the hotel and take the Sanriku Railway from Taneichi Station to Rikuchu-Nakano Station.

Samuraihama Beach, located in the north of Kuji City, is a 10-kilometer stretch of rugged rocky coastline and sea-eroded shelves, and is also part of the Michinoku Coastal Trail. One of the highlights is a seawater pool made by hollowing out a natural bedrock. Walking along the rugged rocky beach is one of the best parts of the ocean trail. Although the distance is less than the previous days, there are quite a lot of ups and downs. In Kuji City, the goal of the day, there are many restaurants where you can enjoy Japanese food culture such as ramen and izakaya (Japanese-style pubs). Please relax and unwind here.

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Day 5
About 9hours
This course may be the hardest challenge of all.

The path along the intricate coastal terrain allows visitors to experience the dynamic nature of the looming mountains and the sea. Famous rock formations such as Kabuto Iwa and Tsurigane-do Cave are also located along this coastline. Because of the steepness of the path, the views that can only be seen by those who have walked it continue to be a sight to behold. Once you reach the goal at Rikuchu-noda Station, you can be picked up by Eboshi-so, your lodging for the day, and head to your hotel.

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Day 6
About 9hours
After breakfast, the hotel shuttle will take you to Rikuchu-noda Station.

From there, todays trail will begin.
There is a store attached to the station, so it is a good place to get food and other necessities for the long trail ahead. The course for the day is mainly along the coast.

The final pass will take you through a dynamic course. Please be careful in case of rain in this section. When you reach the goal at Fudai Station, hotel pick-up service is available.

Tonight you will stay in a small hotel called Kurosaki-so, which is located on a hill. The view of the early morning sunrise is very spectacular.

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Day 7
About 5hours 30minuites
After breakfast, trasfer to Fudai station by hotel shuttle. *Advance confirmation required.

From Fudai station, hike the trail back to Kurosaki-so while enjoying lunch and shopping for snacks at the shopping street. (About 2.5 hours)
After lunch at Kurosaki-so, continue the trail on to the Kitayamazaki lookout. (About 2.5 hours)
※Lunch at Kurosakiso requires a reservation
After arriving at Kitayamazaki lookout, transfer to Kurosaki-so via hotel pick-up service.
*Pick-up is available with the Kurosaki-so Hiker Accommodation Plan. Confirmation required in advance.

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Day 8
About 5hours
Enjoy an advanced course from Kitayamazaki to Tanohata Village.

Transfer back to Kitayamazaki lookout by hotel shuttle. *Advance confirmation required.
Enjoy the advanced course from Kitayamazaki lookout to Tsukuehama Banya.

This section of the course, known as the Northern Alps, has many ups and downs. (About 3 hours)

Lunch at Tsukuehama Banya. *Lunch is not sold on site.

Continue hiking from Tsukuehama Banya to Tanohata station. (About 2 hours)
Transfer from Sanriku Railway Tanohata Station to Miyako Station.
Transfer to the JR Yamada Line to Morioka Station.

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Travel itinerary

DAY 1 - 18.1km -

6:45 AM Depart from the hotel (Arrive at Hachinohe Station at 7:00 AM)
7:16 AM Depart from Hachinohe Station/JR Hachinohe Line
7:23 AM Arrive at Mutsu-Minato Station (Morning market/breakfast, etc.)
8:13 AM Depart from Mutsu-Minato Station
8:20 AM Arrive at Same Station (Walk to Kabushima Shrine)
8:40 AM Arrive at Kabushima Shrine (Stamping and Shrine Visit)
8:55 AM Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (2-hour course)
11:00 AM Arrive at Tanesashi Coast Information Center (Light refreshments/break)
11:40 AM Depart from Tanesashi Coast Information Center
2:40 PM Arrive at Hashikami Station (2-hour course)
3:13 PM Depart from Hashikami Station/JR Hachinohe Line
3:23 PM Arrive at Tanesashi Station
3:45 PM Arrive at Hamanasu-tei – Accommodation: Guest House Hamanasu-tei

DAY 2 - 30.5km -

7:20 AM Depart from the hotel (Arrive at Tanesashi Station at 6:35 AM) – Request rice ball lunch
7:51 AM Depart from Tanesashi Station/JR Hachinohe Line
8:02 AM Arrive at Hashikami Station
8:15 AM Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (8-hour course)
From Hashikami Station to Hashikami-dake to Kadonohama Station
4:56 PM Depart from Kadonohama Station/JR Hachinohe Line
5:03 PM Arrive at Tanesashi Station
5:30 PM Arrive at Hamanasu-tei – Accommodation: Guest House Hamanasu-tei

DAY 3 - 25.3km -

9:30 AM Depart from the hotel (Arrive at Tanesashi Station at 9:45 AM)
10:01 AM Depart from Tanesashi Station/JR Hachinohe Line
10:07 AM Arrive at Kadonohama Station/JR Hachinohe Line
10:30 AM Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (7-hour course)
From Kadonohama Station to Tanesashi to Yado to Aruie to Rikuchu-Nakano Station
Lunch: Hamanasu-tei
5:24 PM Depart from Rikuchu-Nakano Station
5:43 PM Arrive at Tanesashi Station
6:10 PM Arrive at Hamanasu-tei – Accommodation: Guest House Hamanasu-tei

DAY 4 - 18.1km -

7:05 AM Depart from Tanesashi Station/JR Hachinohe Line
7:27 AM Arrive at Rikuchu-Nakano Station/JR Hachinohe Line
7:45 AM Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (7.5-hour course)
From Rikuchu-Nakano Station to Samurai-ishi to Moguranpia to Rikuchu-Natsui Station
3:15 PM Arrive at Rikuchu-Natsui Station
4:03 PM Depart from Rikuchu-Natsui Station/JR Hachinohe Line
4:07 PM Arrive at Kuji Station – Accommodation: Kuji Station Hotel, etc.

DAY 5 - 22.7km -

6:15 AM Depart from the hotel
6:30 AM Arrive at Kuji Station
6:44 AM Depart from Kuji Station/JR Hachinohe Line
6:48 AM Arrive at Rikuchu-Natsui Station
7:00 AM Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (9-hour course)
From Kuji Station to Kosode Coast to Rikuchu-Nakano Station
4:00 PM Arrive at Rikuchu-Nakano Station
Transfer from Eboshi-so – Accommodation: Eboshi-so

DAY 6 - 25.7km -

7:30 AM Depart from the hotel (Transfer from Eboshi-so)
8:00 AM Arrive at Rikuchu-Nakano Station
Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (9-hour course)
From Rikuchu-Noda Station to Tamagawa Coast to Horiuchi to Shirai Coast to Fudai Station
5:00 PM Arrive at Fudai Station
5:15 PM Hotel transfer – Accommodation: Kurosaki-so

DAY 7 - 16.1km -

8:00 AM Depart from the hotel (Transfer from Kurosaki-so)
8:15 AM Arrive at Fudai Station
Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (9-hour course)
From Fudai Station to the shopping street for lunch shopping
11:30 AM Arrive at Kurosaki-so (Lunch/Break)
12:15 PM Depart from Kurosaki-so
3:00 PM Arrive at Kitayamazaki
3:30 PM Depart from Kitayamazaki (Pickup/accommodation facility transfer)
3:45 PM Arrive at Kurosaki-so – Accommodation: Kurosaki-so

DAY 8 - 10.7km -

8:15 AM Depart from the hotel (Car transfer/accommodation facility transfer)
8:30 AM Arrive at Kitayamazaki
Start Michinoku Coastal Trail (4-hour course)
From Kitayamazaki to Samuraimura to Moguranpia to Rikuchu-Nakano Station
4:00 PM Arrive at Rikuchu-Nakano Station
Transfer from Eboshi-so – Accommodation: Eboshi-so

komoot Post

DAY 1 - 18.1km -

DAY 2 - 30.5km -

DAY 3 - 25.3km -

DAY 4 - 18.1km -

DAY 5 - 22.7km -

DAY 6 - 25.7km -

DAY 7 - 16.1km -

DAY 8 - 10.7km -



Select a model course


Courses can be arranged by arrangement, including adjustment of the number of days and optional tours of various regions (Hachinohe: bar hopping tour). Please contact us for more information, including prices. In-Outbound Sendai-Matsushima Co. (Attn: GOTO Mitsumasa)
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